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Top 5 Antivirus Security for your PC & Laptop

Update 2019


If you are running Windows 10 latest versions then don’t look beyond it. Unless you are not a big online risk taker, this in-built antivirus & malware scanner can be very powerful.

Pros: Free. Less on RAM. Complete Protection. Firewall. Offline Scanning. Windows integrated.
Cons: Only for Windows 10.

As every new breed of virus is conceived, created and released into the wild, another small change is made to the anti-virus software to combat the new threat.

Owning a personal computer or business laptop, you will require protection from viruses & malware just to go about your daily activities. Although if you follow some basic good computer habits you can avoid getting your system infected with a virus or malware, but is it just that simple? Avoiding browsing, streaming and downloading content from unreliable sources can help you ditch some obvious threats but securing your computer doesn’t stop there. Read more about essential measure to take while surfing online here.

“Which is the best Antivirus for Windows?” many asked this question over the years. So here is my list as per my personal experiences with them. All the things like detection, security, popularity, review ratings are considered.


If you can pay for your security & do not want to do any risky experiments, Kaspersky is for you. It is well known for fast performance and amazing security capabilities. Do not ever try to use its pirated version 😉

Pros: Effective Protection, Simplistic UI.
Cons: Always annoy by showing messages while working.


It is popular and well known for fast performance. It does not slow down your computer. Good if you buy it.

Pros: You have all in one. It is noticeably clear and reliable. Easy to use.
Cons: Maybe it needs more emphasis in web protection.


Cheapest all-in-one available in market. Detects every new virus. The antivirus uses advanced technology algorithms and methods to identify security risks and blocks threats even before they try to harm your computer.

Pros: Flexible Tools, Easy Installation, Total Protection.
Cons: Heavy on Low Configured Machines.


It is light on system & easy to update. But you should install it just after formatting your system & never disable it. As it is most popular anti-virus, most of the viruses firstly attack on avast files to stop its services. Not recommended if you cannot update virus-definitions regularly from internet.

Pros: Good Interface, Sandbox, Advanced Heuristic Detection.
Cons: No Protection against Phishing.


Besides consuming some memory, norton is the best antivirus available. If you have norton, nothing can harm your system. Trusted by top industries & server administrators. Unlike most of the anti-viruses, it tries to repair files first. I am personally using its Norton 360 (Provides antivirus, firewall, identity protection, create backup, tune your PC etc.) & compared with Kaspersky, Bitdefender, avast, avg (Why the hell people use AVG??), Avira, Quickheal, f-secure, nod 32, zone alarm, trend micro, etc. No one healed my system files as Norton did.

Not recommended if you have RAM less than 1 GB &  if you have version older than 2009.

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Well that depends completely on your computer knowledge and online usage. While some antiviruses are for advance users & others are for who need simply basic security while they are working online. The best way is to go through all Pros & Cons given and then you can select the best for you. If you want to know more about online security than check out this article on essential measures to take while going online. Have a happy surfing online!

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